The Ed and Aileen in Edaleen
In 1975, after farming for the better half of his life, Ed decided to take a leap of faith and do something far out of the norm. Ed and his wife, Aileen, and their small herd of cows turned their family farm into a farm-to-store business. Hence, came the beginning of Edaleen Dairy. (And if you haven’t caught on yet, it’s their names combined)! They built a dairy and processing plant next to their farm which let them begin to make and produce the everso-delicious, Edaleen milk. They built a little dairy store in front of their processing plant on the Guide Meridian in Lynden, WA, and sold their milk and other various dairy products to the locals of the area and their neighboring Canadian friends. (With Ed being Canadian it was only fitting)!
Eventually, they began making ice-cream and the best of it, in our humble opinion. Therefore, a little dairy store turned co-ice-cream shop became the talk and stop of the little town of Lynden and various parts of lower BC, Canada.
Growing in size and popularity, Ed moved his farm to a larger farm 2 miles down the road. Giving more space and comfort to the many cows he tended to and more room for the processing plant and store to grow. Even though his farm wasn’t a few yards out his front door anymore, you can bet that Ed was out at the farm every morning caring and nurturing every cow. He wasn’t called the cow whisperer for nothing.
All these years later, Ed and Aileen’s small family farm has grown to over 1,200 well-tended cows, over 100 employees, and 5 stores. Through hard work, trials and tribulations, joys, and sorrows, one thing was ever-constant in Ed’s work: his faith in God’s grace and faithfulness.
Today, Ed and Aileen abide in their house a few miles away from the original Edaleen Dairy and give God the glory for it all.
But we know this success would not be possible without our customers—first-timers or our regulars—your loyalty to our family business is what keeps us going and growing and it does not go unnoticed. So we tip our hats to you and hope you visit one of our five locations soon, grab a gallon of our quality milk or two, and eat a delicious homemade ice-cream cone that is sure to make you smile.
From our Edaleen family to yours, God bless.

Some people say it's the lush Whatcom County fields that make our cows produce such tasty milk. Maybe it's the quality feed, or that we never add any hormones. Whatever it is, you can be sure that Edaleen Dairy is delivering you the best farm-to-store dairy products that money can buy.
At Edaleen Dairy, we believe in doing things the right way, even if it's not the easy way. We take pride in our work and in the products that we produce. We are always looking for ways to improve, whether it's through new technology, better farming practices, or simply listening to our customers.
We are proud to be a part of the local community, and we are committed to supporting other local businesses.
We know the youth of our community is our future and we support youth in our community through FFA, sports programs, school fairs, and more. In turn, we help show and teach them the sustainability, new sciences, and technology in agriculture and farming. We believe that by working together, we can create a stronger, more sustainable future for everyone.