The Anaerobic Digester
Providing Sustainability While Being Renewable

What is an Anaerobic Digester?
An anaerobic digester is a system for biological conversion. It uses biofuels naturally produced by biodegradable organic materials (bacteria) to turn manure and food waste into carbon dioxide, water, other gases, and much more. As well as minimizing odors, reducing pathogens and solid food wastes.

How long has Edaleen had a digester and how does it specifically run at Edaleen?
Since 2012 Edaleen Dairy has been running an anaerobic digester around the clock, in order to keep our atmosphere clean, cows healthy, and carbon footprint minimal.
See the diagram to the right to easily see how Edaleen converts manure and food waste into sustainable and reusable products.

What are the benefits and sustainability outcomes of the digester at Edaleen?
Creates a nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer used to grow more crops for feeding our cows. And in-turn, allowing us to use fewer commercial fertilizers which are not as sustainable.
Makes a 99.9% pathogen-free fiber bedding for our cows. Not to mention it's also extremely comfortable for them.
Converts methane gasses by burning biofuels, into 320,000 kWh of electricity per month. This is more than the farm and plant consume, so the remainder of renewable power goes to supply the PSE power grid! This process also prevents methane from entering the atmosphere.
Takes in pre-consumed food waste, keeping it out of landfills and water treatment facilities.